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...Somehow this post was sitting in my drafts, completely finished, but not posted. Oh my.
This was written nine days ago:

Can I say scattered brained & out of it? Oh my word, yes. These last few days [...ahem....weeks really] have not been easy for me...
Upon my return from Seattle, I managed to catch either horrible allergies or a wretched cold. Whatever the case, I was completely worn out and having the hardest time adjusting back to North Carolina life. Despite it being over two weeks later and having my health almost back to normal, I seem to still be struggling. Mild exhaustion has been creeping around me and sadly I’ve been struggling with a scattered brain lately as well as emotional outbursts (the slightest thing can make me cry and maybe that's healthy to some extent, but I do not like it). Part of me thinks that I just need more sleep, but then again, I'm starting to think and see that there might be a larger underlying issue. I leave for India in 9 days and with such a trip approaching, I can only imagine that I am taunting the devil and making him want to attack me in every which way.
I strongly believe that while in India God’s love is going to be poured out and His heart will be revealed, not only to the ones that my team and I will be visiting, but to us travelers as well. I also strongly believe and hope that God uses this opportunity to equip me for future ministry; I think He's been planting some seeds in my heart for quite some time now and I see this trip acting like a watering can. I think God wants to pour some new desires in my heart and stir up old ones. I think He wants to see me move to the next step and enter into a new season of ministry/my walk with Him.

Please be praying for me and my trip. It would mean so much to me.
Much love,

Rachel Grace

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