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The last several days I’ve been mulling over “who I am" and  "who I am as a photographer.” Yes, many hours have been spent wandering and trailing in thought on said subject, which I imagine [and hope] to be normal while one is occupying their hands in countless hours of card making. I cannot say what started the rabbit trail of thoughts, but somewhere along the way I was reminded of a conversation I had with my big sis Rebekah. She asked me last week how my photography was going and I tried to give her my honest report, which went something like this:

Photography has been somewhat non-existent lately, partially due to busyness of work, but also because I needed a break. So many photographers advise to NEVER put down your camera, but rather challenge yourself daily with your equipment, the foundational principles and the ever growing photography knowledge/industry. But for me, I felt at peace about laying down Dear Henry (my Nikon D700), if only for a moment. I can say that my love for photography never died or even subsided, nor was I tired or frustrated with said hobby/my wannabe career, but rather, I felt like some time away would do me some good and ultimately help me refocus my goals and aspirations. As a result, this summer’s pictures have been few and far between compared to recent years, but don’t worry... the resting time is coming to an end, at least for now, and I’m beginning to set aside time for photo sessions and incorporating photography activities back into my weekly schedule (hooray!).

Okay, now back to the point! ...During the process of seasonally laying down my passion for shooting people [with a camera], I learned some valuable things about my identity. I believe God used the time to show me that no matter what I pursue, my identity is always going to be in Him. So whether I pursue photography, accounting or getting married & becoming a mom, my identity is in Him rather than what I do. The discovery of that brought so much comfort to me because I was trying so hard to figure out how I was going to carve myself into "the photographer” and establish an identity among the plethora of other photographers. You see, I had read multiple online articles and books that said to highlight yourself as the object of your photography, thus promoting your identity for the purpose of making your business unique, but in the end, I didn't really understand who I was or what my identity was as a photographer. Yes, I knew my character and personality traits, but I didn't know how to advertise myself or paint a picture of my identity.

I'm still not quite sure how to advertise my photographer-self in words, but I am certain that God will give me the wisdom when the time is right (hopefully before I start taking my business more seriously and trying to get it off the ground...). But until then, I'm not going to fret about it because finding who I am in Christ is a journey and one to be enjoyed. I don't need all the answers now. Yep, I'm more than happy with the fact that I am His and He is mine, and that my purpose in life is to bring Him glory. Which ultimately means He's got my back :)

Rachel Grace


Dwight said...


Unknown said...

Cool stuff, Rachel. This sounds like the Sabbath principle applied to a hobby. Nice. :-)

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